Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

December 19, 2023



NOTE. Alphabet Soup Learning Letters used to be blue and red.

A term you will no doubt be hearing increasingly is "DEI".
It stands for "Diversity Equity Inclusion".
Great! Who wouldn't be for THOSE things? Right?๐Ÿ˜€

Except it's not so "great" when you take a look at who is saying it. It's a sanitized, socially acceptable way of saying,

"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Plus"
Otherwise known as LGBTQ+

What does the + sign stand for, Laura-Lee?

Whatever type of sex you want to participate in. No limits.

And can INCLUDE sex between multiple partners simultaneously, sex between animals and humans (beastiality), sex between adults and children (pedophilia), sex with dead bodies (necromancy) or...


or Abrosexual

("Abrosexuality is different from Pansexuality because of its changing nature. Pansexual people are attracted to people regardless of their gender. But gender may or may not be a factor for Polysexual people.

A person who is Abrosexual may, at times, be pansexual, but at other times they may be heterosexual or asexual. Their sexual orientation is in flux. People who are pansexual are attracted to all people no matter their gender or sexuality."

(Source. Web-MD)

You get the idea. Are you still confused? Try being a kid in kindergarten and trying to sort through it all.

So now you know what you are supporting when you embrace DEI & the LGBTQ+.

And since people no longer believe they are either male or female and have had a "break from reality", they are now embracing being TransHUMAN. Which means if you feel you are a Cat-Dragon-Chipmunk-Alien, then THAT is what you are. ๐Ÿคจ

This is what is currently being taught in our schools and has been actually in the curriculum for more than a decade. (Kinda' makes you wish hadn’t skipped all those PTA meetings, eh?)

In the future we will tackle topics like, "What is 'SOGI'?", "What is 'Non-Binary'?", "What is 'Grooming'?" and "What is a 'Gender Unicorn'?"

It's gonna get real confusing interesting like. ๐Ÿง๐Ÿค 

But I think you've had enough for today. (I know I have.๐Ÿ˜ž)

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee ✝️๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

DEI "played" out in schools by LGBTQ+ Teachers

Stay tuned for...

LINK Mike Zeroh (YouTube) discusses DISNEY embracing DEI in Future Movies and Shows