Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

March 04, 2016

Saying "Hello" and Changing Colors

Sorry I haven't been around. I took a tumble that left me with a goodly gash and a knot that covers my forehead. ("Queen of the Freak Accident" Strikes Again).

I've been "enjoying" watching my forehead and eyes go through every shade of bruising. At one stage it was a "lovely" blackish-purple. Now that I'm healing it's become a puke-ish yellow-green. (and I didn't think I could look worse). 
The computer screen and reading has been hurting my eyes so I've been keeping a low Internet profile. 
My problem = Your blessing  ;-)

I just want to remind you about my "Complete Films Play List" at YouTube. Every time I think of another good film I do a search to see if YouTube has it and add it to my list. So enjoy your weekend with some good movies. 

May I Recommend: "The Trap" (My REVIEW & YouTube Link to see for FREE)  ?

And don't forget to get your Sabbath Rest too. Life can be such a whirlwind and God wants you to take care of yourself. (I echo what He desires, whole-heartedly).

"Observe the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy." 
(Deuteronomy 5:12 NIV)

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

(Matthew 11:28  NIV)

Love Always, Laura-Lee