Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

July 15, 2012

Colleen Southgate Martel: Enigmatic/Quintessential

Colleen July 1995
July 10, 1995, COLLEEN -last photo I took of her. (she's trying to fix the cable connection of the TV set in her bedroom)
Around this time of year I am reminded of my Aunt, Colleen. She has her birthday at the beginning of July, on July 15 it is her wedding anniversary and at the beginning of August is the anniversary of her death.

She died of cancer in a very short time. From being fine and going to work, to passing on in only a few short weeks. For me it was even faster.
One day my brother went to visit my mother’s home. I arrived at her place just a few minutes after he did. I walked in just to see him hand our mother a piece of paper. I saw her scan it with her eyes and a horrible look washed over her face. I was still at her door taking off my shoes when I asked, “What’s the matter, Mom?”
She replied, “An email. [pause] Cancer!” That dreaded word. The only word out of my mouth was, “Who?!”

It was my Aunt, Colleen. She's a province away from us and her family had sent my brother an email and he was suppose to break the news to us. My brother left and my mother and I sat silent and stunned. My mind kept repeating the phrase, “Auntie Colleen has cancer. Auntie Colleen has cancer!” But it just didn’t soak in. But that was not the only shock to come. The next day we got a phone call saying that she had passed away early that morning. We learned of her cancer one afternoon and less than 12 hours later we had learned about her death. It couldn’t have been more sudden for mother and I if Colleen had been hit by a car. I had known Auntie Colleen all my life but upon her death I felt that I barely knew her at all. She was such a foundational member of our family. She was a strong woman and I would have imagined dozens of family members dying before she did. I felt she was somehow, indestructible. She was only in her 50’s. It was too soon.

  I have not been well enough to get on an airplane for the past 10 years, so I have not gone back to her house since she died. In my mind, I still think of her in her house, carrying on as she always did. To me, she isn’t dead. She is just … elsewhere. And in reality, that isn’t too far from the truth.
I have no great points to make or any clever sentiments. I simply wish to pause to remember someone who was (and is) very important to me. And, I also take a moment to realize that NObody has been guaranteed a “tomorrow”.
I’ve heard many, many people say that they will “get their business straight with God” OR  “I’ll come to Jesus” … someday. Let’s just hope that you make it too a "someday". We have to seize the moment and grab our opportunities while we can.

I continue to pray for Colleen’s family and friends who are missing her deeply with each passing day.

“And I’ll say to myself, ‘You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.’
But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you.’” (Luke 12:19-20)

“But seek his kingdom and these things will be given to you as well. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:31-32)