Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

December 11, 2024

Encountering KEN HAM (The Man Behind the Myth)



Who Am I❓️

I am a Biblical Fundametalist (interpret the Bible literally) Young Earth Creationist (accept the Genesis account of Creation) who has debated the Theory of Evolution for 40 years. 

Professionally I am a Behaviorist (specializing in Social Behavior, Group Dynamics and Criminal Profiling), Writer and Bible Teacher.

I came to accept Jesus πŸ˜ƒ as my PERSONAL Lord (Born Again) on, the best day of my life, Monday, April 10th, 1978. ☺️πŸ₯Ή


I first saw Ken Ham in a video on Creation Science in the early 1980s at my Christian Highschool made while he was still in Australia and years before he started Answers in Genesis.

So after 42  years of watching Ken Ham, and his rise to prominence, I will tell you what I have seen throughout the decades.

Who is Ken Ham❓️

He is a mediocre science teacher from a hick town in Queensland Australia.

He quit his job teaching to open a book store.

He created so much dissension amongst Creationists in Australia (which eventually led to a lawsuit filed against him in the Queensland Supreme Court) that he left Australia to go to greener financial pastures in America.

In America he founded "Answers in Genesis" in 1994 and  built the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky.

In 2016 he added the Ark  Encounter to his Theme Park, which is a life-sized replica of Noah’s Ark.

What started out as a bold stand against the Theory of Evolution has disintegrated into the Ken Ham Cult.

His erroneous "Biblical  world view", his ridiculous "scientific" conclusions, abnormal fixation on the first eleven chapters of Genesis, endless PR gimmicks and constant "hawking of merchandise" are all fueled by his profound Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

What Has Answers in Genesis Accomplished❓️

Answers in Genesis has been pumping out Ken's unsound Doctrine for decades through Sunday School, HomeSchool and VBS curriculum, as well as through Answers TV (subscription service), Answers Magazine, Answers Academy, and, of course, his Christian Theme Park centered around the "world renowned" Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.

The Answers in Genesis cult has spread like an evil sludge across four continents (North America, Australia, Europe and South America) and millions of people who have been subjected to these things (and are mostly under the age of 40 years old) blindly follow Ken Ham without question or criticism.

What is the Future for Answers in Genesis ❓️

Ken has tapped fellow Australian, Martyn Iles, to be his successor and to take Answers in Genesis into the future. 

 Martyn is rebuilding the Tower of Babel to add to the theme park attractions and will continue  to pump AiG  curriculum into future generations by uploading it directly into their brains through invasive methods of  Virtual Reality, all controlled by an Answers in Genesis AI (Artificial Intelligence) designed to his specifications.

 All this is set to begin in 2025.

What is Ken Ham's motivation ❓️

It is obvious through both his behavior and actions that his motivation is to make 100s of MILLIONS of dollars and to make a name for himself.

Which is EXACTLY what he has accomplished.

What has Any of This to Do with Jesus ❓️


What will be Ken's  Eternal Destiny❓️


These things I cannot tell, but time will.

All I know is...

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 

LINK "Answers in Genesis Rebuilding the Tower of Babel" (my blog post)

LINK "What Makes a Cult? (Simplified)"


My blogs have NO Advertising, NO Store and I do not know Ken Ham or Martyn Iles personally nor anybody who works for Answers in Genesis (past or present)


"DISMISSED" by ZoeGirl 🎢

November 30, 2024

Hal Lindsey Dies at Age 95

Harold Lee Lindsey aka.. HAL  LINDSEY  

(November 23, 1929 – November 25, 2024)   was an American evangelical writer and television host. He wrote a series of popular apocalyptic books – beginning with "The  Late Great Planet Earth' (1970), which connected BibleProphecy to current and near future events, It had  sold an estimated 35 Million by the end of the 20th Century which has made it one of the most influential books of the 20th Century.

He was a Christian  Zionist  and Dispensationalist.

 Lindsey’s path into prophecy writing was strongly shaped by dispensationalism, which interprets the Bible through the lens of God’s promises to the Jewish people and the Christian Church. 

He became a Born-Again Christian after having a near death experience while working for the US Coast Guard.

Hal studied theology at Dallas Theological Seminary, graduating in 1962 with a degree in Greek New Testament. Afterward, he joined Campus Crusade for Christ (now Cru) and began holding Bible studies at UCLA, where he focused on the relevance of biblical prophecy in light of contemporary events. asserting that the Apocalypse  (or  End Times  - including the Rapture ) was imminent because current events were fulfilling Bible prophecy.


 I read "The Late, Great Planet Earth" in 1979, about a year after I became a Born-Again Christian. I didn't understand most of it at the time but came away with several important facts.

πŸ”΄ Bible Prophecy is always 100% accurate, because God knows everything. If you hear somebody give a "prophecy" and it's even just a wee bit wrong 🀏, they do NOT speak for God.

πŸ”΄ The creation of the state of Israel in 1948 (which is predicted in the Bible) started the EndTimes countdown. 

πŸ”΄ ALL of the Bible (including Bible Prophecy) is to be taken literally.

πŸ”΄ Jesus is coming back soon. Perhaps even in MY lifetime.

It  motivated me to start studying Bible Prophecy and watching Current world Events in a big, huge, earnest way. So here I am 45 years later and I see Bible Prophecy being fulfilled and converging all around me at a rate I can no longer keep up with.

 So I conclude with  "Thank you, Brother Hal. I'll see you SOON" 

The Truth with (much) Love,

Always Laura-Lee πŸ˜Œ

Check out my Bible Prophecy/End Times blog where I do exactly what Hal did and demonstrate how what the Bible Predicts is happening all around us.

LINK Dominion Comfort Blog by Laura-Lee (Was Here)

Hal Lindsey was a prolific writer.

Here is a Link to a  list of his other books from Goodreads.

Link Hal Lindsey Books list at Goodreads

November 18, 2024



So, Mr. Hardcore Climate Change, stop all Fossil Fuels so I can sell everyone an Electronic Vehicle, I hope Papa Klaus is proud of me is being escorted into the White House and given the Keys to the Kingdom by the new American President.

Phrases like:

Kid in a Candy Store 

Water Gate.

Sleeping with the Enemy. 

Oh look, a wonderful Trojan-horse.

Whitewashed Sepulchers  

Final nails in the Coffin

Come to mind. πŸ€”

( And will Mr. Zuckerberg be made the head of the Ethics in Advertising Committee too?)

I hope all you American Republicans have a Plan B because you are going to need it.

The Truth with Love, 

Always Laura-Lee 

PS. I have seen Situational Ethics and "End Justifies the Means" mentality take over the American Republicans since Donald Trump won. 

He is going to "Save America" and you don't care HOW he does it or how many people of low moral character he appoints to positions of powers as long as he "gets the job done". 

Putting all that faith in the STATE to fix your lives and fanatically following a POLITICAL leader only leads to LENINGRAD, Comrades. 🀨❗️

For all of you feeling a bit discouraged about America right now, here is a video to help you remember what made you great?

Link Neil Diamond They Come to AMERICA

My blog post "Election 2024: The Suicide of America"

November 04, 2024

Election 2024. The Suicide of America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


I started watching American politics back when Jimmy Carter was your President and I have never seen an election filled with more Mania and Obsession than this one.

The Global Elites have been waiting for America to implode so they can sweep in and take over and Americans have played right into their hands because you have been ignoring the bigger picture and are unable to see past your own noses and beyond your own shores. You see, it's not this candidate or that candidate that is responsible for the demise of America, but the election itself. 

But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand’.

(Matthew 12:25)

Both sides are equally responsible because you couldn't keep your politics in perspective and get yourselves under control and therefore, you have signed your own death warrant.

America will never be great again no matter who is elected. The 2024 election has been the Death Knell of America.

 What a waste. What an utter, utter waste. You had so much going on for yourselves. There was still so much you could have done and accomplished.

You have my deepest sympathies and condolences and continuing prayers. 😣

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 

Link "ElonGate"

October 21, 2024

Consider Being an ANSWERS in GENESIS Volunteer or Seasonal Worker πŸ€”


"Become a Volunteer for days, weeks, months or even longer"

"Serve the Lord with gladness"

"Must live Full Time at Deck Lane (example. a resident cannot live on-site for 2 days and go home for 5 days weekly)"

"waive any liability against Answers in Genesis  and/or The Creation Museum  and/or Ark Encounter for injuries occurred on premises..."

"all loss or damage to person or property"


You work for no pay (Volunteer) for months or longer, you aren't allowed to leave, you waive all rights, you live in cramped, stark housing and you submit to programs and "Bible" studies, curfews, "quiet hours", etc, etc, etc.

I've heard about Internment camps that were more hospitable than this place.

Considering the living spaces and that AiG is a Cult, I'm pretty sure everybody who lives on site is NOT assigned their own, private "PRAYER CLOSET" to meet ALONE  and DAILY with the Lord (which God requires us to do)

(Meanwhile Ken Ham's entire family (including in-Laws) is on the Answers in Genesis payroll.)

WHEN is somebody OFFICIAL going to Investigate this evil man and his corrupt organization?!

This has NOTHING to do with JESUS❗️

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 


I thought AiG thumbing their noses at God by rebuilding the TOWER of BABEL  as a Theme Park ride was bad enough, but at least that involves people with money PURPOSELY building it and PURPOSELY visiting it.

But exploiting poor Christians who are 

exchanging labor for Food and Sub par housing


people deceived into giving up their FREEDOMS because they believe it may lead to future opportunities is much worse. It staggers my mind and literally keeps me awake at night.

I live in anticipation of the day God will destroy this horrible place, silence its "Doctrines of demons" and set its captives free. 


How many times did Martyn Iles bellow out in public, on the Internet and during interviews in Australia that there was "NO such thing as 'Conversion Therapy'!?"

Now he is the Executive CEO of Conversion Therapy Central❗️ The irony would be Laugh Out Loud funny ...

if it didn't include so much human tragedy. 

"What Makes a Cult (Simplified)"

LINK "What Motivated Me to Investigate Answers in Genesis"

"We keep you alive to SERVE THIS SHIP, So row well and live."



I do not know Ken Ham personally nor anybody who has worked for Answers in Genesis in the past or presently.

My blogs have NO Ads and NO Store

October 17, 2024

The IMMIGRATION Issue (Simplified)


We're hearing a lot about Immigration right now and all of the problems it is creating in various countries. In an attempt to help you see past all the seemingly endless, opposite and convoluted reasoning, I'm going to boil it down to the basics.


Let's suppose you owned a really nice house that you worked hard to get. Then one day you decided you wanted to make some new friends so you went out and bought a fabulous big screen and an awesome sound system with the goal of inviting a bunch of people over to watch some movies and sporting events.

Then you went out to pick up a bunch of drinks and food to stock up your fridge in anticipation for their arrival.

While you were out, you discovered that the rumors had spread throughout your neighborhood that you had gotten all this cool stuff. But you also discovered that several people in the surrounding towns also knew about your “tricked out” equipment.

When you got home you discovered that someone in your house had put out the “Welcome” Mat and propped open your front door. You rushed inside, checked that all your belongings were still there and closed and locked your door but you left the “Welcome” mat there because you really do want to invite people in. 

(Don't forget to put all your groceries in your fridge before they spoil.)

Shortly after you have put away your groceries in your fridge (☝️in descending order according to the expiration dates) you hear a knock at your door. On your porch you see a man and a twelve year old boy that you don't know and ask,

“Who are you?”

The man responds, πŸ˜€πŸ™‹πŸ»

“Hi there. I'm your new neighbor Mitch and this is my son, Rufus. We saw you haul in all your cool, new equipment and we were wondering if you would let us have a look at it.”

Now, you might decide to take a risk and invite them in 


you might hesitate and respond with,

Uh. Now is not really a good time for me.” πŸ˜’

Now if Mitch (and Rufus) are REALLY good, decent people they will completely understand your hesitation and respond with something like,

No problem. Maybe another time when it's more convenient.”

They are going to allow you the time to discover more about them without being offended by it.


Now let's take this to the bigger scale of Immigration.

You have a wonderful country, filled with great resources which the people from the neighboring countries know about. 

Do you leave your door wide open 


Do you keep it closed and locked so you can take the time to properly identify who the new people are and discover more about them BEFORE you invite them in?

This is at the heart of this very intense and intricate debate over immigration. Try to keep this image in mind as people meander all over the place with their various arguments.

And also be aware that MANY people who are discussing this are very far removed from the consequences of what they are proposing and/or have hidden agendas they wish to push on others.

As a final piece of advice, I think you REALLY need to discover EXACTLY who left your door open so you can make them stop doing it.

I hope this helps to clarify the topic for you. 🫠

The Truth, with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 

Here are some other of my "Simplified" blog posts that might help you.

PLEASE NOTE. My blogs have NO Ads and NO Store.