Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

April 30, 2024

Building BABEL Again


No. This is NOT a new Directors Cut of the 2006 movie with Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. (I wish it was something that lame). 

This is what robs me of my sleep at night. Answers in Genesis is rebuilding the Tower of Babel next to the "world famous" Ark Encounter, MILLIONS of people around the world know about it and everyone has a big "Ho-Hum", "Yeah, whatever", blase, "Been there, done that" attitude towards it. 

You know, this isn't another case of "what's that crazy Ken Ham up to now?" or some new little display at the Creation Museum.


Ken (Ham) is telling us that it is fine and dandy to rebuild Babel because he has completely different motives than the original builders. 

"so that we may make a name for ourselves;" (was their reasoning and motivation) (Genesis 11:4)

Let's take a look at Ken's motives. πŸ€”

He says it's to be an example of what NOT to do. Also it is to "combat racist ideologies".

Yeah, right. πŸ€¨πŸ’©

He's spending MILLIONS of Donation money and Tax payers money just as a Cautionary example. 🀨

πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’© (That answer gets a 5 out of 5 Doo-doos)

Ken's motives are EXACTLY the same motives as the original builders. So that EVERYONE will know the name of KEN HAM

With one added benefit. Ken is going to add even MORE MILLIONS of dollars to the already many of MILLIONS he currently has.

God tells me that, as a Watchman, I am responsible to alert people when Trouble is coming or your blood is on my head. But if I call the warning and nobody heeds it, then the blood is on your heads and I'm off the hook. YES! It's that serious!

I have NO DOUBT that God will NOT allow this Babel to be built, anymore than He did the first one. The question that remains is, "how angry will God be with us for not taking a stand against it, even when we know His attitude and judgment on it the first time?".

And don't expect the local Americans in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana to take a stand against it, because they are either making OODLES of money from Answers in Genesis OR don't want their vacation and holiday plans to visit the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum to be disrupted.

But… if this DOES bother you, then you can start by sharing this post (see Share buttons at bottom), going to my original post (which gives you more information about it) and CONTACTING Answers in Genesis (see Link provided).

"But, Laura-Lee, what should I say?"


"STOP building Babel. You are making God angry and you're going to get us ALL in trouble!"

which is what people should have said the FIRST time.

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee πŸ˜”

Words of JESUS.

" I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)


Below is the LINK to contact Answers in Genesis. Scroll past all their Yada, Yada  garbage (which is designed to deter you from giving them feedback) to the Form at the bottom of the page and let them know how you feel about them rebuilding Babel.

And remember to include you are a Christian or Jew who believes the Bible is true, or they will delete your message immediately as just another Atheist who is persecuting them.

LINK Genesis 11 Tower of Babel in the Bible

Link "Answers in Genesis: Rebuilding the TOWER of BABEL" (my original post)