Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

January 16, 2013

“Liars and Fighters and Swears, Oh My”


RE: COMMENTS on My Blog Posts
I’m happy to see that people are  leaving comments at the end of my blogs posts. Or even commenting on other peoples’ comments.
I want to remind you again that you have the ability to leave an “Anonymous” comment. And it remains anonymous to me as well.

Usually, I hold to the belief that if someone doesn’t have the courage to attach their name to whatever they say, then it’s something NOT worth paying attention to, or should be taken with a ‘grain of salt’. However, this cannot be the blanket rule here. There are many reasons on the Internet to stay Anonymous and I can appreciate that.

BUT, there are some reasons that will keep your comment from being published:

1) If it is hostile in a way that makes a specific attack on a certain person.

2) If there is profanity in it. On occasion, I may let a swear get by, if I feel it’s pertinent to what you’re saying, But I want people of ALL AGES to read my blog and that means being responsible enough to protect them  with a certain amount of censorship.

3) Blasphemy will NOT get through! Blasphemy is any comment that uses the name of God or Jesus Christ as a swear word.

4) If you are purposely lying in order to defame someone.

HOWEVER, your comment will be published if:

*You keep to the above guidelines, you will get through with your comment, even if you disagree with me or anyone else. You are free to your beliefs and I wish to foster an environment where you can say anything without being jumped on.

** Remember: Even if your comment does NOT get posted, I still read it (even if the sender remains Anonymous) and I do appreciate your feedback.
I have no fear of learning what other people are thinking. If I just wanted everyone to agree with me on every subject, I probably wouldn’t be on the Internet at all. I come here to expand my thinking and discover what other people are thinking too.

*** When it comes down to it, the best advice is usually the one our mothers gave us:

“If you don’t have something nice to say;
Then don’t say anything at all.”
Of Course, the BEST advice is what Jesus told us:
“However you wish people to do to you, that is how you should treat them also.”
(Matthew 7:12)
Many thanks. Love Laura-Lee