Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

November 02, 2019

Clocks, Stories, Sabbath & Free Stuff

Firstly. I just had a friend remind me that the clock gets changed this weekend.  You know the phrase:

"Spring forward, Fall back. And half an later in Newfoundland!" - it's a Canadian thing.

(Also, change the batteries in your smoke detector)

Also, instead of a long post here on my personal blog, I've written a story of something rather freaky and spooky that happened to me many years ago when I was a child and posted on the Master's Peace Theatre blog. Follow the Link.

LINK Gadarene Coyotes at Master's Peace Theatre blog

Also, here comes the Sabbath. You know how important I think it is to rest. So if you put your clocks back one hour, then you have more time to rest/sleep. Cool, eh?  And it doesn't do a person anything but good to rest and take some extra time to realize how deeply God loves you.

Several years ago I started doing book reviews but the old fashioned way. By reading a book created out of ink and paper.

I've started it up again. I write reviews for lots of things I buy. But lately I'm connected to 3 websites that I do professional book reviews for. You may notice that there is a badge on my Laura-Lee Was Here blog that declares me to be a "Professional Reader" for the NetGally website.

From them I am able to get a free book before it's published and let you in on any that are particularly good.
Please keep in mind that whatever product or item I am reviewing, you will get my complete honest opinion. Often I get no money for the review, only the privilege of being able to read a book before it's published. So keep your eyes open for my recommendations. I've already been fortunate enough to discover some very wonderful authors that I've never heard of before.
Professional Reader

I also wish to make a couple comments about downloading free ebooks from Google.
I've been doing searches in Google play for things like "Free Christian Thriller" or "Free Christian Romance" or "Free Christian Fiction History".
There are always a few in each topic to download. I thought they would be rather mediocre but just the opposite.
They give you a free book that is very good because they wish to get you hooked on an author or book series. Once you've read a good book you're ready to cough up the bucks for the next books in that series or by the same author.
Remember Free. Not cheap. (All of us Christians should be very aware of that concept!)

If you want to know more about what books I'm into, check out my Profile page at the Goodreads website.
LINK to Goodreads Profile of Laura-Lee

I've got lots I wish to talk about right now but I got a wet chill when I was out and about last week and my right hand isn't working too well. But my little brain isn't working too well lately either. And I've got no " I got a chill" excuse for that one.

But I just want you to know that I'm thinking about you and praying for you too.

Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog home.

Love Laura-Lee Rahn