Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

November 16, 2019

Time to Draw My Line

 There's a LOT of debate going on in the Christian  Church right now. A LOT of different voices saying VERY different things. It's very confusing if you're a Christian and a million times more if you're not. We're always in the news but unlike a straightforward, easy to understand scandal, this seems to be about Christians who have money being attacked by Christians who don't. And they are all in a pulpit, screaming their heads off and hurling Bible verses like they were rocks. Yikes! What's it all about?!

 I've avoided speaking up on these topics, except for advising people to read the Bible and talk to the Lord to ask Him to reveal the truth to them. It is still the best advice I can give. But now I feel more is required of me.

I'm not a minister or nun. I don't lead a church or run a ministry. I don't have a degree, nor do I read Latin, Greek or Hebrew. My only credentials is Jesus himself.

41 years ago Jesus managed to catch my attention and I turned myself and control of my life over to Him. And for these past 4 decades Jesus has been my closest friend and constant companion. As well as Lord and Saviour.

I have been reading and believing the Bible during all that time and have led an amazing life filled with experiences both wonderful and triumphant and also mind boggling painful and horrible.

So now Jesus is prompting me forward to say some things because, apparently, He thinks I may have something to contribute in reaching and revealing the truth.

Part of me does not wish to say anything because the last thing I want in my life right now is turmoil or enemies. And for what I have to say it will probably earn me both.

But there are SO many lies going around and SO many people believing them, I now have the desire to stand up and be counted. To draw MY line in the sand. To put my weight in with the Truth. Even if it means some inconvenience and upheaval. Poor me!

But most of all, ...
  I care about you. In my mind, you coming to my blog is like visiting my home. I'm pleased you've come. Flattered you want to spend time with me and I want to punch in the nose anyone who would hurt you. Who would dare to lie to you.

God's been leading me in order to update me on many of these topics and then reaffirming and enlightening me even more about what the Bible says.

Some topics now on the front burner:

Prosperity Teachers/Preachers (word faith). Does God want us rich or poor?
What is holiness?
How perfect/holy does He expect us to be?
Does doing good deeds have any effect on our life in Heaven?
Are some sins worse than others?
Is there an absolute truth and an absolute right and wrong?
What's more important, discovering the truth or being happy?
Why is domestic violence and sexual abuse never talked about openly in the Church?(How many sermons have you heard on these topics?)
Can the Lord instantly break an addiction?
What is the difference between being Saved & Sanctified?
Can you lose your salvation? (Or once saved, always saved?)
How old are you when God begins holding you responsible for your sins?
Is a child ever too young to chose to become a Christian?
What does "accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour" actually mean? Why isn't it ever said in the Bible?
What is the "Sinners' prayer"? Since it's not in the Bible, who wrote it? Does it actually work?
What is the Holy Spirit's role in the Church today?
What is the right type of water baptism?
What is Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Is it from God?
What does " Born Again" literally mean?
What is Christianese? Where can I learn to speak it?
How should Christians date? How to pick your spouse?
Right to die (mercy killing)
Science vs the Bible
Biblical Creation vs Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Divorce AND Remarriage
How does God define a "real" marriage?
What is God's view of birth control? (Are some okay and others not okay)
When the stone was rolled away, did it roll to the left or the right?
Should women be preachers?
A Woman's role vs a Man's role
Women's appearances? Length of hair. Head coverings. Braids. Manner of dress? 
Why does the Bible talk about women's appearance but NOT about the men's appearance?
Why do Catholics have communion (bread & wine to remember the last supper) at every Mass but Protestants usually only do it once a month?
How can we prepare for the End Times? Rapture? Rule of anti-christ?
How can we know whether these really are the last days before Jesus returns?
Does God heal people miraculously in these current times?
Are visions and prophecies still happening?
Are people who say they've been to Heaven (or hell) telling the truth?
Is Satan and demons real?
Why is Jesus Christ the only religious person who's name is used as a swear?
How should a Christian spend their money? Does God forbid being in debt? Is tithing a suggestion or a rule of God?
What is our attitude towards the poor? ( "who are always with you" says Jesus)
Do Heaven & Hell really exist?
If Jewish people don't accept Jesus as the promised Messiah can they still get to Heaven?
Do Christians need to obey the 10 Commandments since they were given to the Hebrews/Jews and Christians are completely forgiven of all sins?
What happened to all the people who died before Jesus even came?
If Catholics and Protestants both believe John 3:16, that Jesus is God's only Son and He died on the cross to forgive our sins, why are they so separate?
Are you born a Catholic?
Is the Bible True & to be taken Literally?
Does the Bible affect my life here and now?
Why does God allow evil and suffering?
When all the Christians are disagreeing, how do you figure out who is right?
Do you know for sure that you're going to Heaven?
Who is Jesus Christ?

Wow! I just read my list of topics again and scared myself. It's not just a mountain of controversies but an entire mountain range.

But absolute truth does exist and if we just go through each topic, see what God has to tell us about each one in the Bible, then we will get to the truth. Like any mining venture, once we find a vein of gold we follow it to more gold.

I am nobody special or particularly smart, but I want to know the truth about God, Jesus, me and life. And I'm willing to put in the effort to get at it. Are you with me?!

Do you have any questions you'd like like to add to my list of topics?  Which ones do you think I should talk about first?

Before I start giving out my opinions on these very deep matters, I think you should know more about me. I am just now writing my "testimony". Just like giving a testimony in a court room, it is my first hand, eye witness account of why I chose to become a Christian and what were the circumstances that brought me to do it.

If you wish to write to me, as always, you are free to send me an email. In the Subject line put the word,  "Blog", so I can find it easier and don't dismiss your letter as spam.

Thank you for stopping in. You're always welcome here.

Love Laura-Lee
