Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 19, 2023

"Aliens and Dolphins and Ken, Oh My": Ken Ham's Blog


Usually once a week I go to the blog of Ken Ham .

I slog through these massively long-winded, convaluted posts and it is so easy to pull out the ridiculous or clueless things he says. (I have no idea why people are so hesitant to speak a word against him or his "experts" because they do spout a lot of nonsense) 🥴

Check out these two screenshots (out of the dozens I could have shared) that speak to a fundamental problem with his so called "apologetics" and also evidence that he has completely lost touch with what is CURRENTLY going on in the world around him.

1. We do NOT apply God’s Word to OUR evidence and theories. God’s Word IS the precedence and the evidence backs Him up. And if our physical evidence doesn't back up the Bible then we are INTERPRETING the Evidence WRONG❗️(which of course scientists and Ken's experts NEVER do).😏

2. Re. Using Dolphin's language and sonar abilities to communicate with Aliens (the Extraterrestrial kind not the Illegal Immigrant kind)
Ken states that there is actually no substantial evidence for the existence of aliens and they remain "utterly elusive". Well Ken needs to have another look at the countless testimonies, abduction stories and the evidence now released by the Governments of the World, including the American Government, Congressional hearings on the topic and official statements of Homeland security, the FBI and the US military about UAP's.

I personally believe these "aliens" are physical demonic manifestations which are becoming more prevelant. But this information is EVERYWHERE and IN OUR FACES. How could somebody miss it?🤷‍♀️

Nuf said?

BTW Here's a Link to my Personal blog post where I talk about Aliens and UFOS more indepth.

The Truth with Love,
Always Laura-Lee ✝️🇨🇦

My Previous Post about Ken Ham and AiG

Link to article about Aliens and Dolphins.

CAUTION❗️(Not a Christian site and has a severe Marxist/Leftist agenda. But it is often beneficial to read other POVs to keep from being clueless.)