Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

June 10, 2020

Why is Protestant Communion Just Once a Month?

My answer to a question at Quora:

  I started my life as a Born-Again Christian forty-two years ago as a Catholic. A few years later I became Pentecostal. I attended a high school predominantly for Baptists and Christian Reformed. And for four decades I've been trying to get a definitive answer to why Protestant churches celebrate Communion only once a month. I have listened to answers that are equivalent to my cat chasing his tail for infinity. So let me cut through it for those who want a straight answer. In one word, CONVENIENCE. 

 Communion can't be dismissed all together but it makes the service about another thirty minutes longer. The ministers can barely get people to stay in their pew for a regular ninety minutes, so can you imagine if it was two hours EVERY time the congregation gathered? Yikes! Everyone is already getting hungry and cranky.

 If you truly want to know what Jesus wants us to do, go and read the accounts of the Last Supper in the gospels for yourself. He says he wants us to remember every time we gather for supper. In my understanding, that makes it more akin to saying grace. I suppose it comes down to your personal choice. (As do all things). How close to doing what Jesus asks do you want to get and how important is that to you? Because the things we value the most are the things we will spend the most time on. 

 Bread and wine were the staples of almost every Jewish meal. So now, even if there is no bread and wine on my supper table, I don't let one day go by that I don't remember the cross when I eat and drink. And if I had any say or influence in my local church I would have us celebrate Communion each and every time we gathered together for a service. I mean, can we really remember Jesus' shed blood too much? And if we do it too often that it becomes meaningless to us, should we do it less or should we beg God for an attitude adjustment? If we make the excuse that "if we do it too often it becomes meaningless" to all things in the Christian faith that are important we see the ridiculousness of that reasoning. Bible reading? Prayers? Sounds like a scheme of satan to me. 

 But that is what I have seen, heard, and read. So at least me having to endure years of smoke-screen Church history and theological rhetoric may spare you the same. BTW and FYI, I’m still a member of a church that celebrates Communion only once a month. I don't have much choice and I would never stop fellowship with my Brothers and Sisters in Christ over this. But if you're coming to my home for supper, we will be remembering Jesus' beautiful, atoning work on the cross. Even if it's with Mac n Cheese, a salad, and a glass of milk. Amen.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee (Was Here)