Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

June 13, 2020

An Official Post just from ME to YOU

As most of you know, I've been recovering from a lengthy illness and haven't even been strong enough to use my tablet. I'm easing myself back onto the Internet and have posted at Laura-Lee Was Here a couple of times as a "Forward" of other things I've done. But this is the first time I've done it just from me to you. And it seems appropriate that it should be on the occasion of wishing you a happy and restful Sabbath Sunday. (Or Saturday if you are one of my Jewish visitors).

Put aside all the COVID-19 worries and once again burrow yourself safely beneath the "shelter of his wings". Always and still the safest place to be.

I'm sure I'll have lots to say in the future. The severity and nature of my illness changed me immensely, but I am still me.  But for now, I will stop the chit-chat and give you something lighter in nature to look at.

Thank you so much for your faithful concern and stopping by again for another visit at my online home.

Love Laura-Lee

New Living Translation

" He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection."  (Psalm 91:4)

Let's NOT focus on our problems. Let's focus on our cats!

My Personal Favorite! LL

This next one is just as I suspected. LL

What every cat and every human really feels inside. Just as I suspected. 

And, of course, something extra (special) for scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Me at the ripe old age of sixteen, in 1982. 

(Oops! I outed my age on the internet again. (sigh) ) 🤫  LL