Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

January 07, 2016

Green is Now My Favorite Color Because ...

... that's the color Blogger uses for their Statistics page map. They have a map of who is reading my blogs and the darker the green of a country, the more people are viewing from that country.

Then I can go and see a list of exactly who is 'stopping by'  under the topic of  "Audience". But I think it should be titled, "Visitors" instead, because that's more how I think of you. Especially when I pray for you each and every day. 

Not only do I have increasing visits from the Polish and Romanian people, but the Russians are almost always equal to my fellow Canadians. (WOW) 

India is getting greener in a big way, and there are growing hints of green from France and Germany. 

And now a "smidge" of green tells me I've just gotten my first people from the "United Arab Emirates", Netherlands and 16 people from Taiwan. And even one, lone New Zealander out there. And "God bless you" for it. (Also, "Congratulations" for being the first person from New Zealand to come over). But where are all those from "Down Under"? One would think the people from places like Australia and the UK would come by because we all speak English. But my faithful friend, Sue, is from England and she, all by herself, gives me enough support to equal an entire country.

Everyone is Welcome to this little "Laura-Lee Was Here" party, but for some reason I feel more flattered if it's somebody who doesn't speak English as their first language. I am too sick to travel any more, but to know that YOU are coming to ME makes me feel both "big" and "small" at the same time. And flattered ALL of the time!

It's hard for someone like me, who still finds devices like a microwave oven and a TV remote control "marvels of science", to wrap my head around the fact that people from around the world, who speak other languages can visit my blogs. But not just that you can visit my blogs but that you want to vist my blogs. Amazing! 

I'll keep watching for your GREEN on the Map and reading the Statistics page, but what I'm really waiting for is my first "foreign language" Comment or Feedback. So don't be shy. Because it's even more important that you are here than that,  
 Laura-Lee Was Here.

(And you probably thought STATISTICs were boring)