Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

June 17, 2012

MY Dad is BIGGER than YOUR Dad ...

... unless my Dad  IS your Dad too! (What am I talking about?)

I grew up with very little contact with my father. But, O how I wished I had a Daddy like the other kids. A Daddy who didn't make me afraid. Who would pay attention to me and make me feel special instead of  just invisible.

Then someone told me that I could have a father who would ALWAYS love me and ALWAYS be with me. Forever! All I had to do was ask him to come into my life and watch him change it.
The "father" that man was talking about was my Heavenly Father. I was desperate, tiny and lonely and had nothing to lose. So I asked God to come into my life. That was 34 years ago. All these years later I can tell you that He has ALWAYS loved me, was ALWAYS there for me and (the best part) is still loving me and with me. He is more than I ever hoped He would be. I didn't know love like that even existed, let alone would be dominant in my life.

If you need a Dad, if you need someone to love you, if you need someone to BE THERE for you, no matter what, why not give God a chance? Do you have so much love in your life that you can't have more? He does exist. He is literal, practical and available.

May you and God meet on this Fathers Day and you will never be fatherless again.

" Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God."   (JOHN 1:12-13)