(a basic statistic these days). So this is a topic Christians definitely need to be aware of.
When I was just nine years old I saw the movie broadcast on one of the American networks about the alien abduction of Betty and Barney Hill. They were apparently taken aboard an alien ship and experimented on. But, hey, that was just a movie, right?๐คท♀️ Except right after the movie they interviewed the real Hills and they still had evidence on them like puncture marks and rashes from the alien instruments and devices. I became convinced this was real!
Next I went to the Public library and asked the librarian for a book about aliens. She handed me the book, "Chariots of the Gods", by Kurt Vonnegut, which states the ancient Egyptians didn’t build the pyramids but aliens from another planet did and there was evidence of this in their ancient hieroglyphics. So my next three library books were all about hieroglyphics. That taught me all about Ancient Egyptian gods (and there are oodles of them) which led to the New Age movement and then the occult. All of this I was into at the age of only 10 years old! I was obsessed with these topics and descended into a life of Fear and Darkness. A year later (at just 11 years old) I decided to escape my life by killing myself.
But Jesus had OTHER plans.๐ฅน☺️ On April 10th, 1978, on a Monday morning, in Vancouver, BC, Canada ๐จ๐ฆ I surrendered my whole life to Jesus and HE rescued me from the Darkness into His Light and from Death into LIFE, and I have never turned back.
Fast forward from then to me at seventeen years old. I was in Grade 11 at Vancouver Christian Secondary School and doing my homework, which was an indepth study on the occult. I was sprawled on the living room floor with all my open books around me with the TV on in the background (the way I always did my homework). I had just finished compiling a list of the top ten effects of being involved in the occult. They included things like,
Extreme Fear
Unable to keep a steady job.
Then my attention was drawn to the TV because there was some sort of documentary going on and a woman was giving an interview and crying profusely. She was having a hard time speaking as she described how her life had been destroyed by constant fear and Paranoia. She could no longer keep a job, was recently divorced and even lost the custody of her children. EVERYTHING on my top ten list had happened to her AND every other person they interviewed. The topic of the documentary? Alien Abductions.
Now we are here and I have watched these themes stated over and over through pop culture. Anybody watch the Stargate and Stargate Atlantis TV series? Their content is straight from Kurt Vonnegut's Chariots of the Gods...and SO much more that I could spend years speaking about this stuff but I must wrap it up.
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In Bible Prophecy, thousands of years old, it speaks of a future event Christians refer to as "The Rapture".
"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words." (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)
Christians have been waiting for this event for centuries. Personally, I've been anticipating it for more than forty years. Now this event is imminent. ❣️๐
How will the governments ever explain the disappearance of millions of Born Again Christians from around the planet?
A mass alien abduction to remove all us "lower forms" of life from hindering everybody from taking quantum leaps forward in evolution where everybody can become their own gods.
I'm not joking! This isn't Science fiction anymore. This is OPENLY admitted in Congressional meetings, media, Government policy...
So the government must believe in The Rapture too because they have their explanation all ready.
Even the Pope when asked if he would ever baptize an alien responded by saying that he believed THEY should be baptizing US because they are born without Original Sin and therefore are a "higher order" of beings than humans.
I'm not making this up. ๐❗️It's all public record and currently going on. Just do a Google search.
This is SERIOUS stuff that you NEED to KNOW.๐คจ
Billy Crone just released a video today on this exact topic. He dives deep into it from a Biblical perspective and includes video clips as well.
Here is the Link to his video.
UFOs ALIENS & THE RAPTURE by Billy Crone YouTube
I've come to trust Billy Crone through the years because he takes so much time to make sure whatever he states is well documented.
Find more from him at
Whew. ๐ฅบ What an intense topic for a leisurely Sunday evening, but I felt an urgency to tell you and just felt it couldn't wait as I continue my commitment to give you...
The Truth with Love,
Always Laura-Lee