Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

August 05, 2019

I Don't Know Much BUT I Know the Truth (and He is Mighty)

I don't know much about Joel Osteen. I've never even read one of his books. I do know that there is a great deal of controversy surrounding him. Especially amongst Christians.

One thing I do know is that after 41 years of following Jesus and reading the Bible, I recognize the truth when I hear it. And I wouldn't recommend you listen to anything that I thought was less than 100% true.
 I also believe that this is the best sermon I have ever heard Joel Osteen preach so far. I hope it will encourage you to continue following Jesus all the days of your life no matter what happens or where His plan for you leads. That is MY prayer for you.
God is good. REST in the knowing of this fact.

Have a wonderful week.
With deepest sincerity and with love, Laura-Lee

P.S. Don't forget to look below the video and see the "key Scriptures" listed there so you can look them up for yourself.

AMEN! Love Laura-Lee (again)