Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

July 17, 2019

Ricky Gervais a Christian?

If you don't know who Ricky Gervais is he is a English comedian and a very funny one indeed. He spends a great deal of time reading his Bible and he knows it better than most Christians do. The reason he reads it so much is because he likes to make fun of the Bible God and Jesus.
He is in fact extremely funny except for the fact that he is making fun of God and Jesus and the Bible.I know that God loves him and has an alternate plan for his life then to just be bitter against the Lord.

I can hardly wait until the day that Ricky Gervais becomes a Christian. A true follower of Jesus who loves him with his entire heart. There will come a day when Ricky is completely sold out to Jesus because he has come to realize the great love and sacrifice that Jesus made for Ricky specifically on the day he died on the cross.

I am inviting you to pray with me that someday he will come face-to-face with Jesus. Just like Saul of the Bible on the way to Damascus to persecute Christians. His name was changed and his entire life was changed. I can't wait until the same thing happens to Mr. Gervais. When the bitterness against God melts away by just the simplest cry of his lonely heart which gets answered by Jesus.

Looking forward to seeing you soon, Ricky. And all the words of the Bible you know will finally be put to GOOD use.

Remember my friends, NOBODY is beyond the reach of Jesus. Not even you.

Love, Laura-Lee

Just another simple message from a helpless, weak and pathetic woman who loves Jesus and is amazed that He loves me too.

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog posts.

A quote from the Bible

Then he said unto them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death tarry ye here and watch with me.

And he went a little farther and fell on his face and prayed crying " oh my father if it been possible let this cup pass from me  nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt .  And he cometh unto the disciples and find them asleep . ..

 Matthew chapter 26

Ricky Gervais