thank you.
sincerely, L-L
UPDATE - June 16 2016
Thank you so much for yr prayers. Got an update on my Aunt's condition from her daughter.
"She made it through surgery, which that in itself is a blessing. She was very alert yesterday and we came home yesterday afternoon. She is doing well all things considered and we now wait for the biopsy results of the lymph nodes. Dr said she didn't have to remove any muscle so that was good news and she got all she could see. She has drains kept in for a few days and of course we are hoping no infection takes place and she heals quickly. We won't know what further treatment may be required, we will know when we see her surgeon next week. She seriously needs to gain weight so prayers for that would be great."
PLUS, I could use prayers too as I recover from my left ear that keeps starting to bleed again if I move around and is causing lots of dizziness and nausea. (which keeps me stuck in bed a lot)
But I know from past experience, when you people start praying, God moves - and right quickly too. U R precious in His sight ... and I like you maybe more than a little bit too.
Love always, (your) Laura-Lee
UPDATE: June 21/16
From my Aunt's daughter:
"We went yesterday to get her drains out, which she was very happy about and tmw afternoon we go back to see her surgeon and get results from the node biopsy. I am imaging depending on results what further treatment such as radiation, and well if it is in the nodes, i don't know what they can do about that. I will send you an e-mail as soon as i can tmw regardless of the outcome. Thanks to any and all for the prayers"
I also have a cousin in the hospital too and a cousin and his wife both facing some hard [medical] times too.
As for me, I'm experiencing less bleeding but more pain regarding my ear recovery. (And I wish the world would stop spinning around and around)
But I still know Jesus is here with me and I came across this Bible verse from Daniel 7 "the Ancient of Days took the throne"
And He is forever there, while the Holy Spirit comes to be with and in us (depending on your choices). These things of God are Forever and Faithful and Practical. I'm more sure of that than even the pain.
Your prayers are having a good and daily effect and making a difference. (When I'm feeling better I'll tell you all about it).
For now, I continue to be so grateful that you are praying with and for me (and those I love). You aren't just blog readers, you are my partners and friends.
Love L-L
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