Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

April 05, 2016

How Does God Feel About You?

For several months I had a room mate who was not a Christian and  gave me close contact again with the way non-Christians think and feel. 

I woke one morning to find before she left for work my room mate left me a note saying I had a "message on the answering machine" and that she would love to meet up with the person who left this brief message for the specific purpose to "kick their a** !" on my behalf.

After I listened to the message I thought, "this message is a bit rude, but it's 'nothing' in comparison to the rest of the things this person has done to me."
But I admit it made me feel good to know that someone noticed and cared about my treatment.  

The Bible tells Christians to actively love anyone who mistreats us. This is not optional. We cannot have an intimate relationship with Jesus with ANY hatred or bitterness in our hearts. 
But this has always left me with the feeling that because God asks me to forgive, that the way I have been treated doesn't matter to Him. But if just a little bit of rudeness created such anger in my room mate, I started to wonder how did God feel about it all

 I looked into the Bible and found His reaction was not that of a distant Dad, but that of a close  and loving Father.

"Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather leave room for God's wrath, for it is written, 'It is mine to avenge, I will repay,' says the Lord. " 
     (Romans 12:19) NKJV & NIV 

YOU matter to God. 
He IS keeping score.  
There IS a Judgment Day. 
You are His "BELOVED"

God is forgiving; not blind! 

God 'will render to each one according to his deeds' "...
                     (Romans 2:6)

As Fathers' Day approaches, why don't you do some "Biblical" research about God's feelings too? More specifically, how does God feels towards you?

How do you think these Daddies feel about their children? 
How does God feel about His children?
How does He feel about you?

I wonder what this baby is dreaming about at the precise moment this picture is being taken?