Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

December 11, 2015

"You Like Me. You REALLY Like Me!"

Chart - World Map of Who Reads "Laura-Lee Was Here"

The Chart above amazes me!

 For those of you who don't know what you're looking at, this is part of my "Statistics Page", which I study with great interest. The statistics show me everything from who is reading my blogs to what Posts they read the most, to even what Internet Browser and Search Engines send over the most people. 
But this Chart gives a general idea of where in the world the readers come from. The darker green the country means the more people.
This chart doesn't show the percentage of people, just "raw" numbers, so it's usually always the United States first, followed by Canada. That's no big surprise.  
There are so many people in the United States that they are always the "greenest" country, even though by percentages it would probably be just a tiny fraction of 1% of Americans who come by.

As for Canadians, we have so many fewer people (I know I said that wrong), that there will always be fewer readers from here, even though the percentage of Canadians reading is probably much higher than Americans. 

But look at this Chart again. The greenest country is Russia! And that's the first time that's ever happened. Ever. They have a much smaller population than America but still they sent over the most people in the entire world to come and read what I wrote.
I would expect that English speaking countries like the UK or Australia would be sending more people over, but they are usually a very, very light green, or have no color at all.

But over the past months I've watched Russia grow darker green until this week when it showed the majority of my readers come from Russia. 
I feel both flattered and humbled by this and a little bit nervous too. 
I'm afraid that to the Russian people (and especially to the Russian "Church") I may sound like a whiny and spoiled Christian, complaining about how "rough" my life is when it's probably "easy street" here in North America compared to the daily hardships faced by my Brothers and Sisters in Russia.

 I view my blog as if I've invited several people over for a "special supper".  Good food, good people and good conversation.

 My family members are the Canadians. my close friends are the Americans and the Russians are my honored guests that I admire. All of you have a place at the table, but for different reasons. 

Now it's on me to serve up a tasty and nutritious meal and to make sure everyone is relaxed, enjoying themselves and feeling safe and accepted so that the conversation can flow freely. 
While always being aware that by serving other people, I am actually serving the Lord, who loves each of you so much. 

But whoever you are and whatever your reason for stopping by, I'm so pleased you came. 
Now pick up those plates, because you're going to be helping me  "do the dishes". 
But don't let that worry you. Some of the best times I've ever had have been during the cleaning up in the kitchen afterwards. That's where the real action is. 

Love Laura-Lee