Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 24, 2015

WARNINGS Password Protections

WARNING:  I got a warning from Facebook that someone had signed into my account but they were blocked because it came from New Brunswick. (very far from where I am).

No doubt someone saw my password at a different  website (probably where they work and have access to it), then took a chance that I used the SAME ONE at my Facebook account. They were right!  If it hadn't been for the fact that both our locations are known and far apart, it would have worked completely. 

The real problem is not just how often you change your password but using the SAME password at different websites. 

The best thing to do is have your passwords written in a book and in code. 

And NOT in a book with the words  "Secret Passwords"  written on it. (I see them selling those at stores)

Let's sum up:

Make up many different passwords (it's good to pick a place and time from your past that made a personal impact on you but that not everyone knows about - Not the day you got your picture in the newspaper because you were hit by a bus). 

Write them into a book that is disguised (looks like a recipe book or scribbler or whatever)

 Write  your password using a simple code (such as) :


This jogs my memory, 
shows me how many words, 
where the capital letters are, 
how many numbers there are and 
where they are in the sentence.

This allows me to have an intricate password, but there's no way someone's going to guess that thing.

And even if my password can be seen at one website, if I'm not using the same  one over  and over, the harm someone can do me will be limited.

 As I always say, "Hope for the best, but plan for the worst." 
Shame on me for getting lax and lazy about my passwords.

Hope my close call will remind you to keep safe. 
Sincerely,  Laura-Lee 

BTW. The answer to the above password Code is:  "SplendorofMajesty31".  Would you have guessed that? Even if you found my password book?