Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

August 24, 2015

ISRAEL - What Do I Think?

I currently don't have TV and I'm not on the Internet much unless it's for business or to check email. (My hands just don't work that well anymore and typing is extremely labor intensive for me.) When I write something it's usually much more thought about by me because I simply don't have the time or energy to waste writing things that just don't matter in the long run. (I'll save that for those more "qualified" and with more time to fill that role).

Often when I read the Bible I believe that Israel is used as a metaphor for all those who believe in God. But lately I've been feeling that when God is speaking to me about Israel He has literally been meaning Israel. So I figured I'd better start looking in on the International News Scene more and find out what is going on in the world and with Israel specifically.  BBC News is where I started. I have found through the years they give a much less biased view than CNN and a deeper focus on Europe and the rest of the world and not just "all things American" ( which is what CNN leans towards). From there I went where the facts took me.

Now I know why God has been talking to me about Israel literally lately! And it's time YOU, as my blog readers know where I stand in regards to what is happening in Israel now and my feelings towards Israel and the Jews in general.

Perhaps these LINKS & Photos will answer that.

International Christian Jewish Embassy                 

Israel Now News YouTube

ISRAEL.  You are NOT alone!

Love Laura-Lee