Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 18, 2013

Kijiji Ad Tells PUPPY TALE

I found the following ad at the classified site (  SWEET LOVING PUPPY at Kijiji Edmonton  ) when I was looking in the Free Pets section. It was written so well and (with their permission) I have re-posted it here:
actual "SWEET PUPPY"


Thank you. To whomever decided to abandon their dog in the middle of no where with no food or shelter. for leaving this (now) four pound puppy alone and scared, for tying a 4 foot length of shoe lace to her neck. And thank you, for being so concerned about her. In case you are wondering, she's safe now. She cowered in the bush for a few weeks, and when I found her she was starving, severely dehydrated, bloated, and scared. She's healthy, she's happy, and she's inside. She's warm when it's cold, and cool when it's hot. She has food and water, and someone was kind enough to rescue her the first time when she got scared in a lightning storm and almost hung herself with that make shift leash and collar.. Aka, shoe string.
Thank you for no tattoo, no microchip, for no missing ads, for not once knocking on doors to see if someone had her.

Thank you
I'm thanking you simply because she was probably receiving far better treatment while hiding and scared, starving and thirsty , cold and lonely, hiding from Coyotes, than she was when she was with you. Karma, it'll come for you. :)

**Update... It's been a week and a half since I found her, took her in, and fed her. I can no longer count her ribs, she's been groomed and trimmed, bathed and cuddled, and we are working on house training. She has her moments, which I'm sure attributed to you abandoning her in the country with no means of survival and a string tied to her neck. I've spoken to a vet whom I will see tomorrow, he's offered me free services and I'm grateful. I hope your life is better now that it is puppy free, and I sincerely hope you do not currently or in the future have children. If you think cleaning up puddles is tough, try changing a diaper. At least the puppy won't smear poop into your walls and sheets. I hoped Karma would find you but now I couldn't care less. You're a horrible person and I'm sure you will have no trouble finding your own bad Karma.

**happy update**. We had her weighed and aged today. She is approximately 4 months old and had gained 4 pounds since I took her in. She is in Great health, and will be moving into a forever home this week with a fantastic family.
This ad was posted from the Kijiji Classifieds app. You can download the app from Google Play. "

Thanks for sharing with us. And to everyone else, this might be a good time to follow the LINKS below to give a donation (while you're thinking about it). Or find your own local chapters.
Love Laura-Lee


Edmonton Humane Society