It made me feel bad. Bad for teenagers who can barely grasp the concept of parents NOT getting divorced. Bad for adults/parents who don’t know if their marriage will last and the best they can do is “hope”. Bad for myself, who can count on only one hand the amount of couples I know/knew that stayed married for an entire lifetime. And not just married, but happily married.
So for all of us searching desperately for an example of this, I submit to you, Ann & Bryan Norford of Alberta, Canada. They have just celebrated Anniversary # 57. I’m sure they’d be the first to tell you that there is nothing “easy” about marriage and that it is as rare as it can be precious, but I know they love each other right now more than they did on the day they got married.
I also know that they would tell you the # 1 reason for this is that there is a third person in their marriage. No. It’s not one of their children, grand children or great-grand children. It’s not that one of them is having an affair. It is the reality that each of them is putting the other one SECOND in their lives and marriage. Jesus rules supreme inside both of them and they love Him more than they do love each other. So when they couldn’t find the way to each other, they went to the Lord of their lives, Jesus, and He made sure that they found their way back to each other.
I met Ann and Bryan almost 30 years ago when I was just another teenager from a broken home. I also was asking myself the question, “Is is possible for two people to be in love for a lifetime?” I suspected that Ann and Bryan would help me answer that question, and looking back now, all I can say is “thank you”. You’ve kept more than just “hope” alive, you’ve been a living example of unconditional love. By knowing that the two of you never gave up on each other, I know that Jesus will never give up on me.
Happy Anniversary.
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.”
(Ephesians 5: 25)
“Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:22)
P.S. Ann & Bryan Norford wrote a book about marriage from their viewpoint and that of God which includes Bible devotionals to help strengthen marriages. You might want to check it out or their blog.
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